Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge │ Pet Faces {August 2012}

Hey ya'll!  This week at I Heart Faces the contest is Pet Faces... I love these challenges and I love my dog.  And I love taking pictures of my dog... I have like a GAZILLION of him (you think I'm joking!)

Anywho... here is my submission for the Contest:

Every time I look at this picture I can't help but smile...  This is completely his personality and I love that I was able to capture that :)  

For those wondering, this is Strykar Dee Higgins, my favorite boy :)  He's a Full-of-Energy Cocker Spaniel and I love him to pieces... It's hard to believe he's only been a part of my life for five and a half months!

Love and peace,
Holly Lou

Photo Challenge Submission