Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Today I...

Wished my dear friend, Jean Marie an extra-special, totally amazing, beyond blessed birthday.  It's pretty amazing that, having just met at the end of May, I feel like I KNOW her... and I don't think anyone who knows her can help loving her!  She is such a dear, sweet, funny young lady, who quite obviously loves God and cares about people.  I love you, Jean Marie and hope that your birthday has been as amazing as you are!

I also watched the rain pitter-patter-pat outside - I'm really thankful for all the rain that we have had this past week or so... it is truly a blessing and a miracle!  And... MaKenna and I ran through the rain. really. REALLY. fun!

I ate a DELICIOUS tortellini, tomato, green pepper, zucchini, feta, and crouton salad... complete with greek dressing!

A yummy bite of tortellini and feta cheese...

... quickly disappeared =]

and... I helped my Marmee add memory to our computer 
(taking a picture is helpful... right??????) =]

So that is a [not-so-complete] list of what I did today!

It's still raining outside, and I really want to go puddle jump or just simply frolic in the rain... =]

Hope you all are having a wonderful week! 

 Love you all,  
Holly Lou

1 comment:

Jean Marie said...

HOLLY!! It's been such a full week....I didn't see this until just now.....well thank you for dragging my birthday week out!!! :)

thank you so much, sweet girl.....I love you too!! what a joy to see those pictures again, and remember how fun it was to meet you!!!!

It's wonderful being 23 when you have so many dear friends. :)
Love and thanks again!
~ Jean Marie